Technology to accurately assess brain health

Anytime, anywhere

Backed by over 30 years of scientific discovery and validation, Cambridge Cognition offers the end-to-end platform for CNS clinical trials. Our technologies are reliable in-clinic or at home for an improved patient experience and accelerated drug development.

Trusted by the world’s top researchers

Leading pharmaceutical organisations, research institutions and healthcare professionals around the world rely on us to consistently deliver accurate and highly sensitive assessments that are capable of detecting even subtle cognitive changes.

30+ years' experience in assessment technology

Delivering leading digital cognitive assessments, decentralised clinical trials platform and healthcare tools, our team of neuroscientists and data specialists, consultants and project managers will help you design and deliver a study that fulfils your research goals and assess patients accurately.

0 +
assessed using
our technologies
1 m+
assessed on our
digital health tools

digital cognitive

0 +

peer reviewed
papers & articles

Our technologies

The world’s top pharmaceutical organisations, research institutions and healthcare professionals trust our technologies to consistently deliver highly sensitive and accurate results.

Touchscreen cognitive assessments

Highly sensitive and scientifically validated digital cognitive assessments.


Automated scoring of verbal cognitive assessments utilising cutting-edge technologies.

Electronic questionnaires & scales

Digital administration of established and bespoke questionnaires and scales.

High frequency

Capture day-to-day cognitive function with short accessible tasks deployed at regular intervals throughout the day.

clinical trials

Seamless end-to-end study management from site to patient, from recruitment through to data collection and reporting.

Ratings quality

Rapid, cost-effective scale review to ensure high-quality data and your trial’s best chance at success

Latest research news

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Our neuroscience specialists and product experts are on hand to answer your questions.

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