
15 September 2022

App-Based Cognitive Assessment and Monitoring: A Feasibility Study

This poster was presented at ISCTM (Autumn) in September 2022.

Poster summary

The IDEA-FAST consortium aims to further develop the measurement of fatigue by capturing multiple physiological and behavioural measures from patients in their free-living setting using digital technology. Here we describe the performance of three brief cognitive assessments, which have been previously shown to be sensitive to fatigue, sleep or daily activities, deployed as part of the IDEA-FAST feasibility study, with a focus on data coverage and psychometric properties. Participants were aged over 18 years and were either healthy or were affected by a neurodegenerative disease, including Huntingdon’s or Parkinson’s, or immune-mediated inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or rheumatoid arthritis. Participants undertook the Cognition Kit Digit Symbol Substitution test (DST), the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT) and the Cognition Kit N-Back test (NBX), using the CANTABTM App. Preliminary data suggest that brief measures of cognition can be reliably captured from patients across a range of neurological and IMI disorders while they are in a free-living environment. Coverage was excellent with most participants in all groups completing their assigned testing sessions. DST and PVT both showed significantly worse performance in patients with neurodegenerative disorders than controls, even adjusting for baseline cognitive screening performance. This suggests additional sensitivity to subtle deficits.

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Francesca Cormack

Chief Scientist

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