11 January 2023
Digital Health Event 2021: Integrating multimodal data to meet clinical challenges
As novel tools to measure health proliferate, understanding how to tackle multimodal data streams is key. During Cambridge Cognition's fifth annual digital health event, expert panelists shared how additional data streams are shaping their work and how clinical researchers can best position themselves to extract value from these measurements.
Dr. Ieuan Clay, Chief Scientific Officer at DiME Society, highlighted how rapidly healthcare is shifting to remote monitoring. With each novel tool providing a new data stream, being able to evaluate and identify measures that matter through an accepted set of standards is key to extracting value for patient and clinicians.
Dr. Francesca Cormack, Director of Research and Innovation at Cambridge Cognition, demonstrated how different data sources can be mutually beneficial to each other, with passive monitoring benefiting from the labels of active assessments and active measures benefiting from context provided by passive data.
Dr. Valeria de Luca, Associate Director & Senior Principal Data Scientist at Novartis, showed us how her team analyzes different data streams in clinical research to evaluate patients’ health and behavior, providing an example of the use of multimodal data to better measure fatigue.
Prof. Fai Ng, Professor of Rheumatology at Newcastle University and the coordinator for the IDEA-FAST project, spoke to how his team has designed a study that integrates several measurement tools to understand participants’ health and behavior and how they plan to extract value from having access to each of the measurements.
The presentations were followed by a lively discussion on what a future of fully integrated tools would look like and the challenges that stand in the way, ranging from patient usability and adoption, clinician burden, interoperability of technology, and navigating the regulatory environment.