Study design

Optimise your resources with industry leading technology and expertise

Cambridge Cognition neuroscience consultancy delivers deep industry knowledge and insight to support the development of your study design, analysis and the interpretation of neuropsychological endpoints in cognitive studies and clinical trials.

Specialising in neurocognitive and patient centred trial design, our team of consultants hold PhDs from leading institutions.

Utilising their subject expertise and experience in characterising cognition using research and analytic approaches, our neuroscience consultancy services enhances your study through formulation and refinement of research questions, identifying the most appropriate endpoints and ensuring robust and sensitive outcomes measurement.

Protocol development

Delivering clinical trials across the full lifecycle, from early stage Phase One through to Phase Four and approval, we help you develop a study protocol to maximise your opportunities, identify efficiencies and optimise outcome measures.

Through a critical review of the full process, including document control, participant needs and data collection measures, we provide you with recommendations and options to guide your decision making to support successful trial outcomes.

Sample size and power calculations

Our statistical specialists can help you determine the sample size necessary for your study within the constraints of your protocol.

Patient selection

Using validated digital outcome assessments, our technologies sensitivity screen against inclusion and exclusion criteria to facilitate participant selection, virtually and in real-time to reduce on-site screen failures.

Delivering cost-effective digital technologies to engage and pre-screen participants at scale online and in the comfort of their own home, we provide the assessments to facilitate faster recruitment of the right patients and enhance your study outcomes.
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Data management, reporting and analysis

Trust the integrity of your data and have the confidence of accurate trial outcomes through our robust data management processes, monitoring and in-house statistical support. From first patient, first visit, your data is crucial to our success.
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The most comprehensive and reliable digital cognitive assessments and clinical trial technologies

Supporting the advancement of cognitive research for over 30 years with innovation, CANTAB is the world’s most validated cognitive testing software. Clinical scientists have the confidence that Cambridge Cognition can deliver the technologies they need for their studies to capture precise measurements of cognitive function, maximise the chances of success and minimising the risk of failure in neuroscience research.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you to optimise your study

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