Voice analysis
Establish a fuller understanding of patient functioning at both an individual and group level with verbal tasks
Enhancing your study with voice biomarkers
Changes in the brain and nervous system can have dramatic effects on speech and language, making voice biomarkers an important tool for monitoring neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Using voice biomarkers brings an additional layer of understanding to cognitive assessments by accounting for both content (what is said) and acoustic properties (how it is said). This creates a fuller understanding of patient functioning at both an individual and group level.
Analysing voice to assess neurological change
Automated speech
recognition (ASR)
Real time, automated scoring for immediate feedback. Adaptive tasks help to provide richer data while improving the user experience.
Up to 98%
Scientifically validated, our verbal tasks are short and automated for a comfortable user experience while maintaining a high scoring accuracy.
Natural language usage
Open-ended conversational tasks and measures characterise both acoustic and linguistic changes such as word finding difficulty, coherence, and language fluency.
Unrivalled expertise in voice-based cognitive assessments from Cambridge Cognition and Winterlight Labs
Highly scalable
Faster administration
Improved user experience
Measuring a full range of cognitive abilities, our voice assessments are highly sensitive, enabling you to identify changes faster.
Verbal learning | Short term & working memory
- Paragraph Reading
- Paragraph Recall
- Picture Description
- Sustained Phonation
Manual and ASR transcription are available for gold standard, or real-time analysis respectively.
Voice in action
If you would like to find out more about voice assessments, and how they could enhance your study, complete the form below and one of our consultants will be in touch shortly.